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ListOptions_Rendered column value in row_rendered

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:18 am
by Bishu

I have a list page with extra column from ListOptions_Rendered and the column name is "new"
I want to use/get all the value of the list table including the column of ListOption_Rendered.
I use the the code $this->field->ViewValue to get the display value of the list table.

and I try to get the value of the Column of Listption_Rendered as - $this->new->ViewValue , I get a NULL value.

How can I get the value of extra column Listoption_Rendered field value in the server event of Row_rendered

Re: ListOptions_Rendered column value in row_rendered

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 9:12 am
by mobhar

The extra (new) column should be manipulated in ListOptions_Rendered, whereas the existing column from the database should be manipulated in Row_Rendered. However, have you tried using, for example, $this->ListOptions->Items["new"] in Row_Rendered?

Re: ListOptions_Rendered column value in row_rendered

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:51 am
by danielc

To get ListOptions Column body:
$var = $this->ListOptions->Items["new"]->Body;