Runtime Error when updating large number of records

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Posts: 9

Runtime Error when updating large number of records

Post by mpopkin »

I am getting a runtime error when updating a large number of multiple records at once, using the "Update Selected Records" feature. This happens when attempting to update 1000 records at once, but does not affect 500 so far.

Is there anything I can change on the server or web.config that will allow larger strings? So far I bumped up the maxQueryStringLength value in the web.config, but it does not seem to affect this.


Posts: 88

Post by vincenthung »

What is the Error Message ?

Please increase the "Script Timeout" in [ASP.NET]->[General Options] and try again.

Posts: 3

Post by devatxi »

I am having this same issue and I have not had any luck with the Script Timeout increases. Is there a maximum settings for the maxQueryStringLength using ASPNetMaker 9.0?

Posts: 9432

Post by Webmaster »

Please note that the values from multiple update are posted back so changing the querystring limit will not work. You need to change the maxRequestLength in web.config. Google for "ASP.NET maxRequestLength" for the correct syntax.

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