master detail list paging

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Posts: 91

master detail list paging

Post by mgqz »

Hi all, I added a master/detail relation between parent and child table and when I list the Parent I see a + sign to check the children tables tabs, this is fine, but children table are not paginated, and could be 1K+ records

how to set ?

I need the relation but is there a way to do not show on the parent the + sign on that specific list of the parent ?


Posts: 11793

Post by mobhar »

Make sure you have already adjusted the "PageSize" (bigger than 0) from "Tools" -> "Extensions" -> "Type: Detail Preview" -> "Preview" -> "Advanced" -> "Tables", and then re-generate ALL the script files again.

Posts: 99

Post by gigakun »

I have a similar situation when accessing "Master/Detail View" directly. When accessing this page the details records are not limited/paginated (by design). But in this situation large amounts of detail records (1000+) take long to load and render. Take this for example. Master record > With 4 details tables. Each table has approximately 500 corresponding records. And "multiple detail tables" is enabled. This would take a while to load and render. Any suggestions? Ideally pagination with multiple detail tables would be nice...

Posts: 11793

Post by mobhar »


Yes, you are correct. The "Detail" section in "Master/Detail View" page has not supported pagination, yet.

Alternatively, you should use the "Master/Detail" List page (that belongs to the "Detail" table itself), since the Detail section has been paginated.

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