PHPMaker v2023.13.0 Released

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Posts: 9438

PHPMaker v2023.13.0 Released

Post by Webmaster »

We are pleased to announce the official release of PHPMaker 2023.

PHPMaker 2023 is a huge upgrade from v2022. It is loaded with a bunch of new features, please refer to What's New in PHPMaker 2023 for more details.

The new version can be downloaded at the Download page.

Note Please read System Requirements before installing the new version.


Please make sure you read the following before you try the new version:

  • Requires PHP 7.4, 8.0, or 8.1
  • Internet Explorer is not supported anymore
  • Composer and URL Rewrite are required. If you have not used them before, make sure you read the docs first.
  • Read Migrating to v2023 first

PHPMaker 2023 can co-exist with previous version of PHPMaker. You do NOT need to uninstall previous version of PHPMaker if you don't want to.

Before trying the new version, please backup your existing projects first.

To purchase license for PHPMaker 2023 or upgrade, please visit the Purchase.

Upgrade policy remains unchanged. 6-month email support.

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2022/09/26 v2023.1.0

  • Improved: Allow Add/Copy/Edit/Links in modal View page when using Ajax actions
  • Improved: Add client side "rowadded" and "rowdeleted" event for Grid-Add/Edit
  • Improved: Enable paste action in code editor (UI)
  • Improved: Add CSS class to crosstab values
  • Improved: Add Config("LOG_ERROR_DETAILS")
  • Fixed: Pager when using Ajax actions
  • Fixed: Add records with no existing records when using Ajax actions
  • Fixed: Upload fields in Edit page
  • Fixed: AdminLTE Sidebar Search and Treeview
  • Fixed: Image cropper for non-png images
  • Fixed: CSS file names for RTL languages
  • Fixed: Change code by extension
  • Fixed: Custom actions by post back
  • Fixed: The "ALL" option in page size selector
  • Fixed: Charts exported in View page
  • Fixed: Charts with User ID Security
  • Fixed: Cast field value to stirng for LIKE (PostgreSQL)
  • Fixed: Preview page (Preview extension)
  • Fixed: Error on synchronization with database (UI)
  • Updated: SweetAlert2, Leaflet, date/time picker and element-internals-polyfill
  • Other minor improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2022/10/03 v2023.2.0

  • Fixed: Lookup cache for dynamic selection child field
  • Fixed: Select2 with "change" handlers on load
  • Fixed: Modal Edit page or Multi-Edit only
  • Fixed: Modal login error with 2FA disabled
  • Fixed: Export with filter list shown
  • Fixed: Export with Custom Template
  • Fixed: Restoring session during export
  • Fixed: Null/Empty operators for query builder
  • Fixed: Calendar report language phrases
  • Fixed: User Level Security migration (table with schema)
  • Updated: SweetAlert2 and date/time picker
  • Other minor improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2022/10/11 v2023.3.0

  • Improved: Support offset and limit for import
  • Improved: Handle missing language phrase value
  • Fixed: Some PHP 8.1 compatibility issues
  • Fixed: "ALL" page size not shown correctly
  • Fixed: CSRF headers ignored by some Apache server
  • Fixed: Search panel outputted in modal dialog
  • Fixed: FilterOptions with Advanced Search only
  • Fixed: Modal Copy page
  • Fixed: UseAjaxActions + non Modal Add/Edit page + Return page
  • Fixed: tabulator_bootstrap5.min.css if "Compress project .js" disabled
  • Fixed: Popover remains after dragging calendar event
  • Fixed: Language phrase 'ImportMaxFailuresExceeded'
  • Fixed: Selected files changed after generation by Ctrl + F9
  • Updated: Bootstrap 5.2.2, SweetAlert2 and Tabulator
  • Other minor improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2022/10/18 v2023.4.0

  • Improved: Add Row_* server events for calendar report
  • Fixed: Lookup filter for LIKE operators
  • Fixed: Inline-Add/Copy without Grid-Add/Edit enabled
  • Fixed: Multiple detail table with same foreign key field name
  • Fixed: Chart.js title and tooltip font settings
  • Fixed: Dashboard charts from normal List page
  • Fixed: RTL (Import preview and user permission page)
  • Fixed: Time zone added by time picker
  • Fixed: "Allow view all" for reports
  • Fixed: Unselected fields generated in View/Add/Edit pages of Calendar report
  • Fixed: Dragging and resizing calendar events
  • Fixed: Custom Template in modal dialog
  • Updated: Time picker, SweetAlert2 and Tabulator
  • Other minor improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2022/10/25 v2023.5.0

  • Improved: Detect MS SQL client better (UI)
  • Improved: Add global upload path to dompdf chroot (Dompdf extension)
  • Fixed: Handling LIKE operator in SQL (MSSQL)
  • Fixed: Custom template in modal dialog
  • Fixed: Printer friendly in View page
  • Fixed: Handling null values for simple charts and TruncateMemo()
  • Fixed: Multiple upload fields
  • Fixed: Add filter with parentheses
  • Fixed: Allow login by URL
  • Fixed: View/Copy pages in Calendar report
  • Fixed: Context menu for events with link in Calendar report
  • Fixed: User level permission for Calendar report
  • Fixed: AllDay/Start/End fields in Calendar report
  • Fixed: AutoSuggest field as parent field in Dynamic Selection List
  • Fixed: View page with Multi-Page enabled
  • Updated: SweetAlert2 and date/time picker
  • Other minor improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2022/11/01 v2023.6.0

  • Improved: Use locale time format for calendar
  • Improved: Show master table in breadcrumbs
  • Improved: Add config setting for Font Awesome .css
  • Improved: Allow setting native select-one for field
  • Improved: Support upper/lower panel for preview page
  • Improved: Avoid strtolower() warnings in Language class (for PHP 8.1)
  • Fixed: Date time picker for Thai
  • Fixed: Searching multi-select field
  • Fixed: Returning to current page after Grid-Edit
  • Fixed: Modal dialog not reset after server side error
  • Fixed: User ID setting for calendar reports (UI)
  • Fixed: Migrating user level primissions for MSSQL table with schema (UI)
  • Updated: SweetAlert2 and date/time picker
  • Other minor improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2022/11/15 v2023.7.0

  • Project specific User Code
  • Improved: Persisting breadcrumb links
  • Improved: Handling calendar null event group ID
  • Improved: Calendar event popover template
  • Fixed: Fixed header table without responsive table
  • Fixed: Custom Template for Multi-Page
  • Fixed: Year filter for crosstab report (PostgreSQL)
  • Fixed: Container definitions for tables not generated
  • Fixed: Modal login dialog with third party login provider
  • Fixed: Dismissing modal Delete page
  • Fixed: Plain theme cannot be compiled
  • Fixed: Copying record with default values
  • Fixed: Add Option dialog with parent field
  • Fixed: Chart.js beginAtZero option
  • Fixed: Export in project with security disabled
  • Updated: SweetAlert2, JsRender and date/time picker
  • Other minor improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2022/12/05 v2023.8.0

  • Improved: Detect field data types better
  • Improved: Handle server side validation error for Use Ajax Actions
  • Fixed: Multi-value search
  • Fixed: Crosstab report year field
  • Fixed: Inline-Add/Edit with dynamic selection lists
  • Fixed: Client side number formatting for CJK
  • Fixed: Field names with lower case characters (Oracle)
  • Fixed: Calendar report Add page permission
  • Fixed: Query builder and Extended Search with default search value
  • Fixed: Comma separated Parent User ID field
  • Fixed: Custom Template for summary report
  • Fixed: Dropdown button with single list option
  • Fixed: Custom Field in crosstab report
  • Fixed: MySQL TINYINT data type as CHECKBOX/RADIO with User Values
  • Fixed: Detail records sorting order in Master/Detail export
  • Fixed: Saving MySQL SSL connection options (UI)
  • Fixed: Showing user level tables after creating tables (UI)
  • Updated: Bootstrap 5.2.3
  • Updated: SweetAlert2 and Leaflet
  • Other minor improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2023/01/09 v2023.9.0

  • Requires .NET Framework v4.7.2 or newer (previously v4.6.2)
  • Improved: Avoid transaction issue when using custom actions (MSSQL)
  • Improved: Connection with SSL by PDO (MySQL)
  • Fixed: Lookup with uuid field as Link Field (PostgreSQL)
  • Fixed: AutoFill with "change" events
  • Fixed: Infinite Scroll with field/column visibility
  • Fixed: Field input Attributes in Grid-Add/Edit
  • Fixed: User ID checking for charts
  • Fixed: Permission for export to XML and printer-friendly version
  • Fixed: Maximum number of upload files checking
  • Fixed: Select2 with "Group by" field
  • Fixed: Extended Search panel when using Ajax Actions
  • Fixed: Inline-Delete list action buttons
  • Fixed: CSS class names for master record page
  • Fixed: "Add blank row" for empty grid
  • Fixed: Option template in query builder
  • Updated: jQuery, SweetAlert2, Chart.js plugins, element-internals-polyfill and date/time picker
  • Other minor improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2023/02/06 v2023.10.0

  • Fixed: Create upload files on copy
  • Fixed: Query builder page without advanced search
  • Fixed: Lookup filter for Add page
  • Fixed: Lookup fields for enum/set types
  • Fixed: Updating selection lists for detail grid
  • Fixed: Detail grid Delete permission checking
  • Fixed: Query builder for lookup field with text input
  • Fixed: Export reports/email error message
  • Fixed: Parent field in Add Option dialog
  • Fixed: Extended search panel after row custom action
  • Fixed: Setting static permissions for calendar reports (UI)
  • Updated: dompdf, SweetAlert2 and element-internals-polyfill
  • Other minor improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2023/03/06 v2023.11.0

  • Improved: Add "Messages" to keyword.xml
  • Fixed: Modal lookup with lookup filter
  • Fixed: "Export CSS Styles" advanced setting
  • Fixed: Add Option dialog with lookup fields
  • Fixed: Setting TableClass property (PHP 8.2)
  • Fixed: Execute() function with callback
  • Fixed: AdjustSql() function for PostgreSQL
  • Fixed: Extended search panel after row custom action
  • Fixed: Synchronization checking for reports with custom fields
  • Updated: SweetAlert2, tabulator and element-internals-polyfill
  • Other minor improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2023/04/10 v2023.12.0

  • Improved: Log import database error
  • Improved: Allow PostgreSQL timetz/timestamptz fields and MySQL char/varchar fields with *_bin collation
  • Fixed: Hidden required field checking
  • Fixed: Table body hover color
  • Fixed: Add blank row with checkboxes or radio buttons
  • Fixed: Grid form (for detail table) validation
  • Fixed: Grid update foreign key
  • Fixed: Clearing messages after import
  • Updated: jQuery, JsRender, Popper, date/time picker, chartjs-plugin-annotation and element-internals-polyfill
  • Other minor improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2023/05/08 v2023.13.0

  • Improved: Pass master keys directly to preview page
  • Fixed: Row custom action checking
  • Fixed: Selection list with native select-one enabled
  • Fixed: Error message for file upload fields
  • Fixed: Remove XSS for lookup fields
  • Fixed: CSS for card widget
  • Fixed: Export links after refresh
  • Fixed: Grid-Edit with server side validation only
  • Fixed: Stylesheet URLs for error page
  • Fixed: Required validation for multi-select field in Multi-Update page
  • Fixed: Both Date/Time picker and time picker generated when using custom format pattern
  • Updated: Font Awesome, Date/Time picker, SweetAlert2 and element-internals-polyfill
  • Other minor improvements
