Class "libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat" not found

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Posts: 64

Class "libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat" not found

Post by ethanlazarus »

I am enabling 2FA with SMS, but am getting this error message when I try to enable it for user accounts:

Error: One time password is not sent with error: /var/www/ Class "libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat" not found

When I generate my files, getting composer error. I added privileges for giggsey folder but still getting error. Even tried deleting the folder and regenerating...

X:\var\www\\patient_portal\vendor/giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php does not exist and could not be created

Posts: 1

Post by Elophp »

Seems like you're facing a couple of issues. First, the "libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat" class error might be due to missing dependencies or setup issues. Make sure everything's set up correctly.

Secondly, regarding Composer, ensure it's installed properly and try running composer update in your project directory to fix dependency problems.

Posts: 64

Post by ethanlazarus »

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!

If anybody else has this problem, here is how I fixed it:

I completely uninstalled composer, then reinstalled and ran update in the directory as you suggested. Kept getting composer errors, found this online somewhere: alias composer='/usr/local/bin/composer'

After I ran this, still couldn't generate into project file. Ran composer manually from bash in project folder, then went back to phpmaker and ran with composer update. Finally that seems to have fixed it.

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