Maintenance and Debug modes

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Posts: 71

Maintenance and Debug modes

Post by ethanlazarus »

It would be great if we could enable and disable maintenance modes and debug modes with regenerating all the code. This takes a long time to regenerate and upload from test server to production server - it would be great if this could be done dynamically, perhaps when logged in as system admin. It would save a ton of time during development and early deployment.

Thanks for considering!

Posts: 579

Post by philmills »


I think it would be more sensible if the debug setting was in config_production.php and config_development.php, rather than in config.php
so switching between the two would automatically turn debug on and off.

Posts: 435

Post by vintoICT »

I think the best option is to have it in the database and editable by a simple switch button

Posts: 579

Post by philmills »

yes, even better +1
I have actually done that with a settings table and global vars

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