redirect loop on new server (v8)

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Posts: 2

redirect loop on new server (v8)

Post by wjddnr »


We have recently moved the server from old one to the new server.

All the process of re-making databases and php files through phpmaker 8 was
okay, however, when I choose the option for loging in such as "always ask
for password" Or "Remember My Password"

It gets caught on redirect loop and does not let me login, it does not get
caught on redirect-loop only if i choose "auto-login" option.

Now, When I get into the website, everything seem to be ok, but there's
another problem, whenever I try to "Inline Edit" Or Sometimes "Inline Add",
"Inline Delete", edited data does not get updated, but

rather, it stays with same data without "Update Suceeded" , but when I
refresh the page, it comes with "Update Suceeded" with edited data.

This phenomenon did not happen on our old server though, so I am a bit
confused that if this could be because of our new server, or Am I just
simply doing something wrong with the migration process to the new server.

Help would be greatly Appreciated.

Ps. I am using both phphmaker 8 (with licence) and phpmaker 10 (no licence



Posts: 9432

Post by Webmaster »

First of all, make sure your new server uses PHP >= 5.2. Upload a simple script (e.g. copy from and test, make sure PHP session is working properly on your server.

Configure php.ini to display all errors.

  1. Check your Start Page setting,
  2. Check your Default table in Table Setup page,
  3. Check your User Level Security settings (if enabled).
    Make sure the user has permission to access the page specified in above settings after login. If the user does not have permissions to access a page, you get a loop.

As for Inline Add/Edit/Delete, make sure the user has Add/Edit/Delete permissions. Especially for Inline Delete, the user needs to have Delete permission to access the Delete page.

Also check JavaScript error in your browser if the page does not submit.

Posts: 2

Post by wjddnr »


Thank you for the quick reply.

One question though, what do you mean by check "Start Page" ?, In the generate tab, it only has "default page" where it's set to "index.php". I have tried leave it as blank, now nothing loads up when i try to access to the website

other then that, I have tried all these suggestions and all seems to be configured and set correctly, but no luck.

as for the inline Edit/delete/add/etc, permissions are all configured correctly, but the problem it is producing is that sometimes it updates but sometimes it does not updates when we are doing inline edit, but when we refresh it then it works. this does not seems to be has to do with the permission. could it be the server side? or browser?

any help would be appreciated!!

Posts: 9432

Post by Webmaster »

  1. Start Page is a setting since v9. Default page should be "index.php", do not leave it blank.
  2. If you need to refresh to see the message (stored in session variable), it seems that PHP session is not working properly, that's why we suggested you to check. Also, as mentioned, configure php.ini to display all PHP errors.
  3. v8 had been phrased out, try generate with v10 and test the new scripts with your server.

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