Filter by field that is not listed

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Posts: 11

Filter by field that is not listed

Post by planet-fisherman »

Hi there,

just a quick question: In list page. Can I use extended filter on a field that is not listed? As soon a I untick "List" for a given field the extended filter input field is not being generated any more.

In case of a "="-Filter all the results show are (at least in the particular field) identical with the filter.
Does that make sense?

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

For such case, then you have to keep the "List" is ticked, afterwards, put the following code in "Page_DataRendering" server event that belongs to the List Page:

$this->YourFieldName->Visible = FALSE; // adjust "YourFieldName" to your actual field name

Posts: 11

Post by planet-fisherman »

Worked perfectly. Thanks for the help.

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