Detail record

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Posts: 142

Detail record

Post by napiedra »

Why do I see a number instead of the actual detail description when I am on the edit page?

Explanation: I am running the latest version of PHP (2020.0.9), I have a master record "Category" and a child record "Cat_detail". In my list table when I go to add and I select the Category field, the child filed populates with a list of details. I do select a detail and save the record. The record shows correctly on the list table and on the view record but on the edit record it shows the child "Cat_detail" as the INT and not the description of it.

How can this be fixed?

Posts: 1043

Post by sticcino »

you need to setup a lookup link on the "Lookup Table" section of the phpmaker fields page, for the category value to display the text equivalent.
so if you have a table of the categories ID, Name.. you need to link it to the id and then in the display field display "name"

refer to the help file.

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