How to Replace Project ID in userlevelpermissions table

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How to Replace Project ID in userlevelpermissions table

Post by mobhar »

As we've already known, we can save the project using Save as ... to another project name. This will cause the Project ID in the new project will automatically be changed by PHPMaker, too. That is the quick way if we want to create another project based on the existing project we already had.

After do that steps, then we should change also the Project ID in the userlevelpermissions table of the new database, especially if we're using Security Dynamic User Level.

In order to replace the older Project ID with the new one in that table then we may simply run the following SQL script in our database manager:

UPDATE userlevelpermissions SET Table_Name = REPLACE (Table_Name, '{C132F5E8-BCDC-478A-82D7-A5EE734F1B31}', '{4FB290EB-B8DA-4CB0-919A-D9EEAA260785}');

In this example, {C132F5E8-BCDC-478A-82D7-A5EE734F1B31} is the older one, and the new one is {4FB290EB-B8DA-4CB0-919A-D9EEAA260785}.

Don't forget to adjust it to yours.

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