Load SQL database to internet

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Posts: 177

Load SQL database to internet

Post by crash »

After many years of using aspmaker and access database, I’ve converted my access database into sql database as was suggested. I’ve got it working with asp.net maker.

Previously I would simply transfer all the files to my online site including the access database. Now it seems different. Sorry I’m new to this and new to sql.

How do I transfer my sql database to link with my online project?

I have created a sql backup file. Is this what I must transfer.

Is there a help file somewhere explaining this ?

I’ve built my project and now that I need to load it online I’m stuck.

Please point me in the right direction.

Thanks very much
New to all this

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

You should publish the project. Read Generate Settings -> Publish below for more information:

Posts: 177

Post by crash »

Thanks, I have now generated all files and used the publish option. The files generated to my PC
I have loaded the files into a folder on my internet server...I still get the same problem 404 error.

Do I need to transfer anything else... like the sql or does this transfer with the project file.

Posts: 177

Post by crash »

I have now loaded my project onto my online server... but now all I see is a page with directory files.

All my other projects using aspmaker work fine.. they use an access database and it's IIS

How do I get this to work... I cannot find anything that says how I must load an sql database to my online site.

Thanks for any help

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

You should publish the project. Read Generate Settings -> Publish below for more information:

Refer note 2 from the article above and read the articles (Host ASP.NET Core on Windows with IIS / Publish an ASP.NET Core app to IIS). Also make sure that you have installed the ASP.NET Core Module/Hosting Bundle in your server.

To restore backup of your database on your web server, read Restore a Database Backup Using SSMS.

Posts: 177

Post by crash »

Thanks.. do I still need to load my sql database separately.. or is my database in the publish folder ?

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

The publish folder contains the codes only. You should create and restore your database to your remote server.

Posts: 177

Post by crash »

Thanks.. where do I load my database to and how will my codes find it.

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

MichaelG wrote:

To restore backup of your database on your web server, read Restore a Database Backup Using SSMS.

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