multiple ids search on one field

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Posts: 125

multiple ids search on one field

Post by mishanian »

I have a table like:

id, name, status 

and data like

1, a, 1
2, b, 1
3, c, 2
4, d, 3

and status field is a drop-down search when I generate the table by PHPMaker on the search like


it is showing all of the records with status=1

is it possible to show all the records with status 1 or 2? how should be the URL
something like?


Actually, I would like to give 2 buttons to the user instead of all of the statuses

On (with status =1,2 for example) and Off (status=3,4 for example)
what is the best approach to do so?

Posts: 11729

Post by mobhar »

If you are using v2023, then you may use Query Builder in order to perform search with criteria that cannot be handling by Quick or Advanced Search.

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