Issue with Record Field Name when using Parent ID

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Posts: 52

Issue with Record Field Name when using Parent ID

Post by aspsteve »

I have a couple of UserIDs that are tied to the same parent ID.

When a user with the ParentID authorization logs in to view a table record the correct record ID and number for the filtered UserID displays however the record name displays the name of the recordID from the first UserID that the current user has access to .

For Example below table is the actual record values in the table which user ID displays correctly when they log in

UserID RecordID RecordName RecordValue ParentID
UserID1 101 Apples 10.00 ParendID_A
UserID2 101 Oranges 20.00 ParendID_A
UserID3 101 Grapes 15.00 ParendID_A

However, when ParentID_A logs in, the records are displayed as:

UserID RecordID RecordName RecordValue ParentID
UserID1 101 Apples 10.00 ParendID_A
UserID2 101 Apples 20.00 ParendID_A
UserID3 101 Apples 15.00 ParendID_A

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

Is the RecordName field linked to another lookup table which is User ID protected? Check the settings. Show the table schemas (including the lookup tables) and the related User ID settings.

You can also enable debug mode (Tools -> Advanced Settings -> Debug) to check the running SQL to see if it gives you any hints.

Posts: 52

Post by aspsteve »

The RecordName field is not linked to another lookup table which is User ID protected.

I have created an image file where I captured the table schemas and related table values. How can I share the image with you?


Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

If you are a registered user, you can send your project file/database to the support email for quicker resolution.

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